Rambling travelogs from a world traveler

Wednesday, October 11, 2023


  "A man's not finished when he's defeated; he's finished when he quits." ~ Richard Nixon

Gentle Readers and Loved Ones,

I have what I hope you will find a funny hunt video to show you.  As always, if hunting offends you please go read something else?

Ann, Rory and I drove up to the cabin today.  On the way Rory and I hunted some Ruffed Grouse covers I know about.  Rory is very new at this, but he knows what a grouse is and knows it's his job to find them.  He loves it.

This is the last bird he flushed today.  We had just finished walking a short half mile loop where we visited a drumming log I know about.  We didn't find any birds.  The video starts as we walk out of the woods and over to the truck.  I start unloading my gun and Ann gets out of the truck to water Rory.

That's when Rory senses a bird in the brush we had just walked by and trots over to flush a grouse.  I hang my head in shame for the language I used.

On that happy note, I remain,


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