Rambling travelogs from a world traveler

Sunday, March 20, 2022

The Fox Scream

 "Neither a maidenhead nor a fortress will hold out long after they begin to parley."                       ~ Benjamin Franklin

 Gentle Readers and Loved Ones,

I was drifting off to sleep last night....suddenly Ann is shaking me.  "Come here and listen!  The Fox is screaming."  So, I stumble out of bed, blearily insert my hearing aids and shamble to the back deck door.  She's holding it open and listening to the night.  Rowdy has his nose right up against the door opening and from his posture would be gone into the night if allowed.

We could clearly hear the screaming out across the lake.  Had I been a functioning adult, I would have turned on the video on the phone and captured the sound, but I didn't.  However, a little google-fu and the internet saves me.

Here's a link with videos of what we heard.

I'm sure you are as curious as we were why the fox screams.  These articles do a good job of 'splainin'...



I am applying logic here as I continue the discussion which is a sure way to know that I about to be wrong.  It is late March.  Everything I read says that it is way late for the fox to be mating.  On the other hand, it was a dern cold, snowy and brutal winter and this last week has seen an abruptly warm season.  I reckon the Fox could be just now "deciding" that there will be enough resources to produce kits.  Nature moves in mysterious ways. 

I plan to go over and recover whatever videos I have later today.  We will see what they have.

On that happy note, I remain,


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